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About us

About us:

Name:         ABID ALI TURK (Statistician)
Roll No:      2K14/ST/07
Degree:       BS (STATISTICS)
Ref:            Department of Statistics,
                  University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Email ID:    abidat072014@gmail.com
    Name:       FARHAD RIND (Statistician)
    Roll No:    2K14/ST/25
    Degree:      BS (STATISTICS)
    Ref:           Department of Statistics,
                     University of Sindh, Jamshoro
    Email ID:   farhad2k14st25@gmail.com

                   The aim of ours is to share our knowledge with everyone. We will try to provide here a lot of whatever we can. We both belong to Statistics department.

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