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Sunday 20 August 2017

Two Sample t-test (independent)

Two Sample t-test (independent)

Two Sample t-test (independent)

Example: From an area planted in one variety of guayule (a rubber producing plant), 54 plant ware selected at random. Of these, 15 were aberrant .rubber percentage for these plants were the following.Test the hypothesis of no difference between means of papulations of rubber percentages. Assume the population of rubber percentage are approximately normal and have equal variances.

Ref: Introduction to Statistical Theory Part 2 by Dr. Sher Muhammad Chaudhry                  P.No 256

Solution (through Minitab 17):

1. Enter the data in two columns and assign column name (i.e. Offtype=X & Aberrant=Y)
2. Choose Stat>Basic Statistics>2 Sample t

3. Select each sample is in its own column from the selection bar

4. Double click on variable name to enter in the sample boxes. Enter X into Sample-1 & Y into Sample-2.

5. Click on the option button.

6. Check the Assume equal variances. Confidence level, Hypothesis differences and Alternative hypothesis are given default. If you want to change, you can change from options. And click on OK button.

7. Click on Graphs to show the graphs.
8. Click on OK button and see the result in session window.


                                             Showing Result of two sample independent

Since the computed value of t=-3.12 falls in the critical region, we therefore reject the hypothesis of no difference between the two means. We conclude that there is sufficient evidence to indicate a difference in the means of rubber percentages.

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